Friday, June 29, 2012

June 30, 2012 - Jumpstart share

Hollywood comes to the Holler! Well, not really, but an indie film has been shot at Frog Holler for the last two weeks and the farm crew had a chance to be extras! Here they go for one of their big scenes. Get an autograph when you pick up your share! :-)

In the Box:

Kohlrabi - Light green bulb that, when peeled, reveals a crisp white flesh with a flavor sometimes described as a cross between cauliflower and an apple! Peel and slice for a crudites plate - nice for dipping into hummus or your favorite dipping sauce.

Broccoli -  We had to pick these heads early - broccoli definitely doesn't like this much heat - who does? So you might see some signs of stress but the heads are young and tender and go well in your favorite stir-fries or broccoli salads.

 Lettuce -Green leaf. lettuce doesn't like the heat either, but we just started picking a new patch so these heads are sweet and tender.

Asian Greens - Tat Soi (dark green spoon-shaped leaves). Delicious in stir-fry or chopped into salad for a little spice. Tender.

Russian Kale - large fringed leaves - heirloom variety. Nutritional powerhouse - use in stir-fry or "massaged kale" salads.

Arugula - small leaves, peppery flavor. For salads and sandwiches.

Spring cooking onions - These young onion bulbs will go well in stir-fries or salads.

Garlic scapes - long green bunched shoots. Chop into salads or stir-fry for a fresh garlic flavor. Use the tender part below the little bulblet. Click on the link for an interesting recipe from the Frog Holler Recipe Box.

Recipes abound in the Recipe Box. We will be adding more as the season progresses.

What's your favorite way to prepare the veggies in your share? We love to hear how our members are using their share box veggies; if you have any recipes or ideas to share, send them along!

Thanks for jumping in early - enjoy your share!

Save the dates: Farm party: July 14 and Holler Fest: Aug. 24-26

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