Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 28, 2012 - Share # 3

Three cheers for veggies!

Onions - new!

Tomatoes - new! The harvest is just starting.

Beets - use greens or remove if planning to keep beets in the fridge for a while.

Carrots - keep better with the tops removed.

Kale - "Curly" variety; sturdy fringed leaves, bunched.

Zucchini/Summer Squash

Green Beans

Celery - bunched. Our Michigan-grown celery is loaded with flavor!

Arugula -  elongated leaves, peppery flavor.

Basil - bright green, pointed leaves. Aromatic!


For best storage, everything rinsed and in a plastic bag in the fridge EXCEPT garlic, onions and tomatoes. These onions are freshly dug and not cured for long-term storage, but they will keep fine outside of the refrigerator for a little while. See last week's newsletter for basil storage suggestions.

 NOTES FROM THE FIELD: We returned to the Wednesday market this week so that meant more harvesting and veggie prep time. Other than that, a regular week of field maintenance, steamy temps, a sip of rain (but we'll take it!) and starting to fence the corn from raccoon marauders. (Members from last year will know why!).

CSA Members Stephen and Kathy Totaro rode up on their bicycles for their farm pickup last Saturday. A first for the group picking up shares at the farm.
Off they go with a backpack full of veggies!


It's an all-zucchini channel this week folks! You'll be seeing this generously prolific vegetable quite regularly in your share boxes this summer. The zucchini and summer squash remain undaunted by our higher-than-average temps and lower-than average moisture. Good thing there are so many delicious ways to prepare this ubiquitous veggie!  For starters check out this helpful blog posting titled: "Beyond Zucchini Bread: 15 Fresh Ways to Enjoy the Green Monster Squash"!

You may not have to look much further for additional zucchini ideas, but if you choose not to go beyond zucchini bread, this nicely spiced recipe looks very appealing.

Although slightly labor-intensive, score style points with these Braised Zucchini Wheels with Sesame-Mint Pesto.

Zucchini and feta combine deliciously; try this Greek salad suggestion for flair and flavor! Or hop over to Greece's Mediterranean neighbor for this zucchini/pasta dish with a decidedly Italian emphasis. Ricotta and basil? Buon appetito!

For a non-zucchini recipe, we'll have to...

Shannon with "kale poms"

Shannon turned nineteen two weeks after arriving at the farm and has good-naturedly borne the brunt of jokes about being the "baby" on the crew. Shannon started her young life :-) in California; from there her family moved to Petoskey and finally settled  in Grand Rapids where she calls home. But Ann Arbor will soon be Shannon's "home away from home" when she enters the U-M's Program in the Environment this fall.

Shannon's interest in organic food was first piqued in high school through a friend who had a farm and through her own personal studies. After taking a few agriculturally oriented courses last year at the University of Vermont, Shannon decided she could best learn about organic growing practices by actually spending time on a farm before her transfer to U-M.

A highlight for Shannon this summer is how much she has enjoyed eating a largely vegetable-based diet. And she definitely appreciates being able to go out and just pick those vegetables fresh off the vine. AND she really enjoys going barefoot when she heads out to the garden!

Shannon didn't expect her summer on the farm to include volleyball, but when a local team in need of a player got wind of her volleyball experience, they signed her right up!

Shannon serves up an ace

After working indoors all day at Coldstone Creamery during her summers in Grand Rapids, Shannon says she really enjoys the connection to nature and the outdoors that this summer has provided. When  working and practically living outside, she realizes that you have to pay attention to what the natural world is doing, and she enjoys that increased awareness. Shannon does admit that there have been a few days this summer when the ice cream shop definitely would have been preferable!

Shannon has developed an affinity for making vegetable stock this summer, and likes the way soup stock utilizes parts of the vegetables that might otherwise be discarded. There are as many recipes for stock as there are stocks, but Shannon recommends always using some onion, garlic and celery leaves - carrots are good too. From there you're only limited by your imagination and vegetable peelings!

During one of Shannon's cooking turns, she made quinoa using her vegetable stock for the liquid. The stock  added a rich depth of flavor to this mild-flavored grain. Serve it up with one of the zucchini dishes mentioned earlier in the newsletter and you've got a meal!

We appreciate Shannon's openness to new experiences and willingness to pitch in wherever needed. She has cultivated a down-to-earth and responsible attitude in just a few short years! :-)

Have a great week everyone!

Holler Fest: Aug. 24-26. If you're on Facebook, "like" the Frog Holler Farm page and drop in on the Holler Fest event page for updates and more info.


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